Hearthstone | Nocturnal's Malygos DragonLock Warlock OTK Deck & Decklist| Constructed |

2016-04-07 4

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked
Nocturnal's Malygos DragonLock Warlock OTK Deck

Potential: Rank 10 to 5 for inexperienced player, you need some practice to fully understand the potential (but then it can bring you to higher ranks)

A Malygos DragonLock deck with the potential to beat your opponent in a single blow (due to the help of Emperor Thaurissan, cheap spells and of course Malygos' extra spell damage)!

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[Mana] Card Name

[1]Mortal Coil 2x
[1]Soulfire 2x
[2]Darkbomb 2x
[2]Dark Peddler 2x
[3]Imp Gang Boss
[4]Hellfire 2x
[4]Imp-losion 2x

[2]Bloodmage Thalnos
[2]Ironbeak Owl
[3]Brann Bronzebeard
[3]Mind Control Tech
[4]Twilight Drake 2x
[4Twilight Guardian 2x
[5]Antique Healbot 2x
[5]Azure Drake 2x
[5]Blackwing Corruptor 2x
[6]Emperor Thaurissan